sâmbătă, 19 iulie 2014

Bienala Internaţionala de Artă Ruse - Silistra, Bulgaria, 2014

" This exhibition is meant to bring artists around the world and their works together. First of all, it is dedicated to artists from Romania, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Serbia and Greece.
This exhibition wants to be a support given to the city of Ruse to become European Capital of Art in 2019. Located on a border, the city overcomes the borderline and plans its future in the wider context of the cross-border partnership with Giurgiu and Bucharest. Ruse welcomes its guests as Bulgaria’s “Danube capital” and as a Free Spirit City! "

Curatorial committee:
Yordan Kissiov – Bulgarian curator
Dan Tudor Truica – Romanian curator
Zladko Dramov – Macedonian curator
Jasna Mitrovici – Serbian curator
Nikos Elefteridis – Greek curator

Perioadele expozitiilor sunt: Silistra 28 august – 21 septembrie si Ruse 23 septembrie – 13 octombrie 2014

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